Shadows of darkness become his cape of eve
As the moon’s universal grin in the sun’s leave,
And demon creatures, hell spawn, a devil’s son,
Wails to blackened fields the sanity he’s undone.
Rising tall, a tower above those fearing the shade,
He draws his knife and sharpens the iron blade,
Ready to wit’s end to turn the cold rivers wild
Into a frenzy of gushing blood and bodies compiled.
A human heart knows weakness, the truth of chill
When in fatal presence of this monster against God’s will,
But foolish humanity screams too soon
And so death waits no longer to hush pity’s loon.
There is no satisfaction ever to complete
Inside this ravenous dweller, shredding metal and meat,
In love with the indifference to a woman’s cry,
Her pleadings, the prayer for her children as they die.
No, he cares not a bit for the pathetic sobs
Nor the bribes nor the warning as he’s hunted by mobs
For not a bullet in the world could find his fur,
Just the glisten of dripping fangs and a dark blur.
Bring forth the deadliest beast known to man,
But he is faster, harsher, as bitter as anything can,
Gnawing into the skull of a blessing newly born,
Sparing the parents but a few breaths to mourn.
He hears no word to soothe his purposeless rush,
And for those who dare challenge he will forever hush,
But even the most innocent of soul surrendering all
Is not enough to quench his desire of downfall.
Running is pointless; he is always right behind,
Panting louder and louder, a haunting to the mind,
Soft , icy drools slipping down his victim’s spine
Thrilled to kill to keep the funeral bells to chime.
Merciless murderer he is- feel his heavy grasp,
The bearing weight, deadly nails, his voice a rasp
As tooth, claw, and howl sentence the execution,
Stone black eyes thirsting, jaw chewing in tension.
Beware, be warned, you may lock away or hide afar,
But Hell knows your sins, your every faded scar,
So how does one live in this demon shadow’s drape-
That’s just the thing, there is no escape.
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